Transforming Life through Anapana Sati Meditation

 Anapana Sati Meditation is observation of the natural breath coming in and going out. The original term of ANAPANA SATI word is from the Pali language of ancient time of the Buddha. ANA means BREATHING IN, APANA means BREATHING OUTSATI means AWARENESSAnapana Sati Meditation is a way to keep the mind cool and calm, by concentrating on one object. A natural focus is our own breath, which is always with us. If we simply keep feeling the breath as it comes in and as it goes out, the mind gets quieter and more peaceful. The only trouble is, something will always take our attention away - may be a noise …..or a pain in the knee…..but often our own mind is the problem, it is so full of useless stuff! Like a monkey jumping here and there, it is so hard to control. To become the master of our mind, we need some lessons, enough time and a good place to learn how to practice. With enough practice, meditation helps to replace bad thoughts and feelings with happy ones. 

Why we should meditate?

By learning the meditation, we start to get rid of negative habits and develop good mental qualities instead. 

If our mind is Cool, Calm and Concentrated, 


Make good decisions

Don’t get confused

Make less mistakes

Don’t get angry or feel afraid

Attract respect from others

Become peaceful and happy

   Are less worried and frustrated.                                                                                                                      Don’t get stressed about work or exams

Can pay more attention to people you love

Find people will like you more

Get less distracted by useless things

Find it easier to focus and learn

Perform better in sports and games

Make better music and art

Will be more trustworthy


Guidelines for children’s Anapana Sati Meditation courses were issued in October 1993. Over the years it was discovered that there was no uniformity in conducting these courses. Therefore, with a view to standardize the format, a meeting of the Regional Coordinators, Children’s courses from around the world was held at Dhammagiri under the aegis of Rev. Goenka ji from Dec 23 to 25, 2000. Because of these deliberations, the existing guidelines were revised and updated. Included in this are: 

Code of Conduct for Children’s Anapana Sati Meditation Course Teachers and Duties & Responsibilities of Regional Coordinators, Children’s Courses. In May 2005, Goenkaji appointed an International Children’s Courses Coordinating Committee to oversee the children’s courses activity worldwide to ensure uniformity in presentation of the teaching. 

Anapana Meditation courses conducted exclusively for children are a wonderful opportunity to make available the manifold benefits of this unique technique of meditation. Experiences of conducting these courses in the past have yielded substantial evidence of its great potential. Children’s outlook, behavior and attitude undergo a positive influence; their ability to concentrate improves; their memory gets strengthened.


Above all, children acquire something so precious, so valuable, which is of immense value for the rest of their lives. Children are, by nature, active and enthusiastic with an eagerness to learn, to explore anything and everything they come across in their day-to-day life. At this age it is so appropriate to offer them an opportunity to explore themselves and their mind with all its hidden faculties, latent abilities, and subtle complexities. This wholesome seed of Dhamma sown can, eventually, grow and open an entirely new dimension of life.

 Since 1986, Anapana courses for children have been conducted. These courses have been offered to children of various ages and socio-cultural groups. They have been conducted in Vipassana centres, schools and other institutions, and have been both residential and non-residential. 

Main features of ANAPANA SATI Meditation:

Makes the mind happy, calm, and concentrated

Is simple yet scientific

Is morality-based but non-religious

Uses a natural object to focus

 Is non-commercial

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