About us

The provision of Education to the children of the Lumbini is the key to develop the future of Lumbini. If we provide intellectually stimulation and morally correct education to the children, they will grow as successful citizens of the Nation. In order to promote such education, the Wat Dhammaprabharam was established in 21st June 2022 as a Buddhist free Education center.

0ur Aim:

1.To educate the younger generation of Lumbini on the rich teachings and heritage of Buddhism and Peace.

2. To assist them in cultivating faith and devotion to the Buddha-Sāsana and gear them towards self-development.

3. To make them all-rounded and successful individuals by imparting the necessary knowledge, skills and values needed in life.

4. To establish in their young minds the will to protect and propagate the Buddha-Sāsana for future generations.

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